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samedi 24 mars 2018 à 14h30

March For Our Lives Paris

Nous demandons aux politiciens Américains de faire des changements sur les lois des armes à la suite de l'attaque dans un lycée en Floride

On March 24, the kids and families of March For Our Lives will take to the streets of Washington DC to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end gun violence and mass shootings in our schools today.

Join us in PARIS on Saturday, March 24 so that the collective voices of the March For Our Lives movement will be heard from around the world. We are expecting confirmation for a *standing* rally at Place du Trocadéro.

If you'd like to volunteer, please contact us - we will need help with sign making, promoting the event by word of mouth and social media, and press outreach. We would especially like to welcome other youth groups to join us, and we will be registering people to vote on site, to help you get registered from abroad in time for the midterm elections. Let's make our message clear on November 6th - end gun violence NOW.

Call on your senators to take immediate, urgent action.
Find your senator's contact information here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_inform…

If there are other ways you'd like to contribute, let us know. All are welcome.


Lien : https://paris.demosphere.net/rv/60636
Source : message reçu le 22 mars 08h
Source : https://www.facebook.com/events/1049136805225…
Source : message reçu le 9 mars 17h